The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 318)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 318)
Only 30 percent of citizen-Palestinian-Arab females are in the labor
force, many of whom are only seasonally employed as agricultural cash-
croppers. Subemployment applies dramatically also to the Palestinian-
Arab intelligentsia unemployed or situated in unskilled manual labor
categories or subjegated to skill-mismatch for the usual "security con-
siderations."°° Non-citizen Palestinian-Arab workers from Gaza and the
West Bank, espeically smuggled workers with no work permit, are the ones
victimized the most by various forms of subemployment and for a rather
longer span of time.
Several efforts for higher mobilization, overutilization, and alter-
native relocation of Palestinian-Arab labor force are now underway; this
is true for Israeli citizens, as well as non-citizens.
As demonstrated in Chapter VI, citizen-Palestinian-Arab labor is in-
creasingly penetrating new economic branches and industries. The differ-
entiation in Arab-Jewish distribution by economic branch is lessening in
recent years. As far as not talking about a particular industry, one can
say that citizen-Arab labor is increasingly allowed to join or replace
Jewish labor in the industrial branch. Furthermore, industrial plants
owned by Israeli-Jews are now penetrating Arab residential locales to
utilize more Arab labor on the very site of its reproduction. Although
the employment of Arab labor in such plants seems to provide neither for
joining nor for replacing Jewish labor, this method of mobilizing unutil-
ized Arab labor force does, in effect, provide for indirect replacement of
Jewish labor by Arab, hence releasing the former for an alternative util-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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