The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 322)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 322)
- المحتوى
self-labor, as opposed to hired labor is only in part an attempt to re-
store the utopian "socialist" image of the kibbutz, hence to reinforce its
potential for attracting Jewish immigrants. This point, however, must not
divert the attention from the dominant profit motive underlying this de-
velopment scheme.
The victory of the Likud over the Labor Party; its doves (the advo-
cates of withdrawal from occupied territories), as well as its hawks (the
advocates of Greater Israel--Eretz Yisrael Hashlemah) eliminates the con-
troversy regarding the integration of occupied territories as a periphery
with "unlimited-supply-of-labor" into Israel economy. Not unlike the
Labor Government, the Likud leaves no room for diplomatic peace settlement,
hence eliminates the feasibility of a Palestinian State in the near fu-
ture. Employment of Arab labor from those territories will therefore con-
tinue to be under Israeli control, unless forces external to Israel's
internal dynamics impose alternative employment conditions. This source
of labor supply, being now more ensured, can be mobilized to replace Jew-
ish labor in agriculture and non-strategic industries, hence release the
latter into training for, or directly into, high technology production.
This unskilled Palestinian labor is technically capable of replacing Jews
only in unskilled labor categories in which Asia-Africa immigrants are
over-represented. The latter, however, when replaced by Arab, seem to
move into services, not production. Furthermore, training them for
high technology production, where demand for labor is highest, is a very
costly and vulnerable endeavor, if it is to become a national priority,
which is very unlikely. - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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