The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 371)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 371)
4. The main features of the occupational comparison are also
reflected in the industrial structure of men's employment.
Arabs are under-represented in government, public and
commercial services, and in manufacturing industries, and
are concentrated in agriculture and in construction....
Here, too, there is some similarity between Arabs and
Asia-Africa immigrants, and the more recently the latter
have immigrated, the greater the similarity." 11
Table C, in which there is a more detailed segmentation of Israel's
labor market by the various citizen groups, points out the persistence of
the distinctive features of the Arab occupational structure of employment
relative to that of the Jewish labor force. As far as the occupational
structure of Jewish employment, the figures in this table reflect not only
differential locations of the various Jewish groups in the technical divi-
sion of labor, but also simultaneously with these consistent internal dif-
ferentiations, changes with the occupational distribution of each group
over time. The year 1970 represents a turning point concerning the latter
type of change. For the first time the proportion of the born-in-Israel
(Sabra) labor force who are farmers exceeds that among Asia-Africa immi-
grants (Oriental-Jews).
In the same year, the representation of the Sabra labor force in pro-
fessional, scientific/technical occupations (24.1 percent) exceeds their
representation in the administrative, managerial/executive occupations
(21.9 percent), contrary to the reversed feature in the average Jewish
occupational structure of employment pointed out by Ben-Porath prior to
the war, and persisting in the post-war period as reflected in Column 2.
Another important change is in the representation of Europe-America
immigrants versus Sabras in the administrative, managerial/executive
occupational category until the war, and all along the nation-building
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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