The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 375)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 375)
much likely to be the effect of a greater integration into international
monopoly capital; and finally, in the very distinction on the top between
scientific and academic versus other professional and technical workers.
The former is probably the Industrial Research and Development labor cate-
gory, related to high-technology military production.
In order to know what difference the new, compared with the old,
categories make as far as clarifying the internal segmentations of the
occupational structure of employment and in terms of facilitating the man-
power planning effort in meeting specific demands (as, for example, in the
case of selective Jewish immigration), it will be helpful to compare 1972
employment figures based on 1961 classification in Table C, with those
based on 1972 classification in Table A, with the exclusion of Columns 1
and 2 from the latter for a valid comparative ground.
Such a comparison indicates that, unlike the former, the 1972 classi-
fication is much more revealing of the differences between the Sabras'
occupational structure of employment and that of the Europe-America immi-
grants. While the former seem to be the most highly represented among
other professional, technical and clerical workers, the latter seem to be
the most highly represented in scientific/academic labor categories, as
well as among administrative/managerial, and even more prominently, sales-
Unlike the first two occupations, in which the order of representation
from highest to lowest goes from Europe-America immigrants to Sabras to
Asia-Africa immigrants, who are very poorly represented, and then, to
citizen-Palestinian-Arabs, among salesworkers, however, the order is as-
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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