The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 381)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 381)
- المحتوى
Israeli-Jewish subgroups, Sabras and Oriental-Jews seem to be over-repre-
sented by a factor of 0.12 in the former and 0.23 in the latter. Both are
under-represented in agricultural and unskilled work. Western Jews seem
to be under-represented in all productive labor categories, including
skilled industrial work:
The other attribute of Table A is the reflecting of the 1973 October
War's effect on the occupational structure of the various segments of
the Israeli labor force. Economist Ibrahim Oweiss has correctly concluded
that "the 1973 War was more costly to the Israeli economy than any pre-
vious war because it was extended over a longer period of time, while the
net result did not involve any territorial expansion. On the contrary,
Israel lost occupied Arab territories after the disengagement of troops
on both the Egyptian and Syrian borders."!> In fact, 1973 represents the
end of the post-1967 economic boom and the beginning of economic and poli-
tical crisis, steered by the economic crisis of world capitalism in the
seventies due to the increasing integration of Israel's economy, speci-
fically military production into United States' monopoly capital since the
1967 War. This is to say, in other words, that the very penetration of
U.S. capital that has steered the economy and contributed to its boom in
the aftermath of the 1967 War, has also intensified the economic crisis
and contributed to the persistence of inflationary processes in the after-
math of the 1973 War.
Notice how in wartime (1973) the demand for citizen-Palestinian-
Arabs in the administrative/managerial and clerical labor categories,
that usually were filled by Jews, increases then declines disproportion- - تاريخ
- ١٩٧٨
- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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