The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 383)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 383)
- المحتوى
for lacking that condition that the latter can be neither trusted nor can
be coercively subjegated to such a role.
This point will become even more clearly evident in the following
indeces of differentiation of Israeli occupational and industrial struc-
ture of employment over time.
Index of Differentiation in the Israeli-Jewish and Palestinian-—Arab
Structures of Employment:
Technically, the Index of Differentiation is 955 = 1/2 SIPs Piel x100
where Pig is the proportion of persons in group i employed in occupation
(or industry) g, and Pie is the proportion of persons in group j employed
in occupation g. In other words, it is half of the sum of the absolute
horizontal differences between any pair of columns (in the occupational
or industrial structure of employment) divided by 100. The index ranges
from 0 (when distribution is identical) to 1.
As we apply it in Table N and Table B, the index demonstrates rela-
tive differentiation in the employment structure of any two population
groups, over time, and comparative pairs of population groups. In this
context the significance of this tool lies in reflecting a range of rela-
tive segregation/desegregation or discrimination equalization trends and
amounts, in terms of access to the various locations in the technical divi-
sion of labor in general but not to a specific location (occupational or
industrial) in particular. Put differently, this index measures inequality
of ethnic/national distribution in the occupational and industrial struc-
ture of employment.
Comparing the index of differentiation in the occupational versus - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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