The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 391)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 391)
- المحتوى
Arab citizens in Israel.
In the industrial structure of employment, however, the 1973 War does
not seem to have the same effect the 1967 War has had as far as narrowing
down the differentiations in the industrial structure of Arab versus Jewish
citizens. Quite the contrary, indeed, figures in Column B point out the
widening of industrial differentiation between Israeli-Jews and Israeli-
Arabs in 1973. This finding is of a special significance, and likely to
be interpreted most accurately in light of the increased militarization of
the economy and the closer articulation between military and civilian in-
dustries following the 1967 War, documented in a previous chapter; the
presence of Arab labor in military-related industries is likely to present
a more serious risk during war than "peace" time. This point is also
relevant to the question of replacement/joining trends in industrial Arab/
Jewish labor mobility indirectly related to the prospects for cross-
national proletariat alliance.
Furthermore, notice how the narrowing of the gap in the occupational
structures of Israeli-Jews and that of Palestinian-Arabs who are citizens
of Israel, does simultaneously intensify the gap in the occupational dif-
ferentials between the latter and non-citizen Palestinian-Arabs (Column
D2-3, second row); that is to say, as wars increase the integration of
citizen Palestinian-Arabs into the Israeli-Jewish occupational structure,
it in the meantime disintegrates and removes the Palestinians within the
green-line borders from the non-citizen Palestinians from across the
green-lines employed in Israel. This can be seen as being, at least in
effect, a political control strategy to prevent alliances between the two - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
Position: 51419 (2 views)