The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 393)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 393)
already demonstrated in Table A.
It is possible that non-citizen Palestinian labor had replaced citi-
zen Palestinian labor in unskilled labor categories, allowing the latter
to move into better positions in skilled labor categories. But it is not
clear whether citizen-Arabs can be again de-skilled in the case of with-
drawal from occupied territories or any other adjustment that may block
the inflow of "unskilled" labor from the territories. We only know that
it is inherent in the essential unevenness of capitalist accumulation to
generate simultaneously skilled and unskilled labor categories. Labor is,
if necessary, de-skilled in order to match the labor category most in
demand. In light of this theoretical understanding as well as the in-
deces of differentiation preserved in Table B, it seems not unlikely that
Arab citizens be de-skilled again. Further, it seems very unlikely that
in the present conjuncture Palestinian workers from occupied territories
can join Jewish workers in more than unskilled locations within the techni-
cal division of labor. They are likely to replace Oriental-Jewish workers
and citizen Palestinian labor or join the latter in unskilled industrial
and agricultural production work. With the persistence of the economic
crisis following the 1973 War, the index demonstrates a tendency towards
growing differentiation in the occupational structures of Israeli-Jews and
non-citizen Palestinian labor employed in Israel.
In conclusion, although revealing of some significant trends, this
index of differentiation does not provide any specific information re-
garding differential location in a particular occupation and/or industry.
It is computed from the average occupational and/or industrial structure
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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