The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 399)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 399)
labor force. In his historical analysis of the economic structure of the
West Bank, Jamil Hilal reinforces this point .-? He explains how and why
the West Bank under the Hashemite rule was systematically curved out from
development plans, hence preventing proletarianization in this region,
as well as the transformation of its feudal land tenure system and the
development of its productive forces. In addition to the effects of the
major distortion of the Jordanian economy-at-large being essentially a
service economy entirely dependent for its reproduction on foreign aid,
the West Bank, populated mainly by Palestinians, was systematically isola-
ted from the East Bank of the Jordan and subjugated to a forceful out-
migration of its skilled labor force (trained labor became the main export
commodity of the West Bank) and restricting of the rest to non-productive
economic branches at best, to cash-cropping on export agricultural planta-
tions; itself promoted by the very persistence of the latifundia land-
holding system.
Industry that represents 15.1 percent of the labor force in the West
Bank refers mainly to small-scale commodity and petty production, thus
absorbing mainly a self-employed labor force and not modern industrial
wage workers. This is different from the case of the Palestinian indus-
trial labor force in Israel, who are employed mainly as unskilled indus-
trial workers in Jewish factories and can very rarely be self-employed
in self-owned industrial enterprises even on the workshop scale. In this
sense, under Zionist rule, the Palestinians in Israel became far more
alienated from the means of production than in the West Bank under the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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