The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 402)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 402)
Employed Persons by Branch in the "Administered" Areas in Israel
1968, 1969, and 1973
Total employed
persons who are Employed persons in the administered areas
residents Of the --- sr pee ee ee 7 -- Employed persons
administered areas All administered areas ‘ Judea and Samaria The Gaza Strip — in Israel
1968 1969 1973* 1968 1969 1973* 1968 1969 1973* 1968 1969 1973* 1968 1969 1973°
Agriculture 46 66 $2 45 64 40 33 47 30 12 17 10 1 2 12
Industry 19 21 32 18 19 20 1 12 14 - 7 7 6 I 2 12
Construction 15 18 42 13 13 8 .
Public and community 9 8 7 4 5 1 2 5 34
services 18 19 26 18 18 24
Trade, transportation, ; 10 | 14 8 7 10 — } 2
and services 37 39 44 36 37 29 2] 22 22 15 15 7 ] 2 5
Total 135 163 196 130 151 131 84 100 87 46 51 44 5 12 65
. . (percent) .
Agriculture 34 40 27 35 42 31 39 47 35 26 33 23 20 17 18
Industry 14 13 16 14 13 1S 13 12 16 15 14 14 20 17 18
Construction 1] H 21. 10 9 6 HH 8 8 9 10 2 40 42 52
Public and community °
services 13 12 13 14 12 18 12 lf 16 17 14, 23 _- 8 3
Trade, transportation,
and services 28 24 23 27 24 30 25 22 25 33 29 38 20 16 9
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
* The changing trend in the branch composition of employment typical of the period under review, started in 1969. Figures for 1968 in this
Table are given in order to show the number and distribution of employed persons in that year affected by the war in the preceding
Source: 1969 and 1972 — Central Bureau of Statistics, Family Surveys in the Adminstered Areas, 1969-1972.
1968, areas — Central Bureau of Statsitics, Statistical Abstracts, 1970 and 1972.
1968. Israel — Bank of Israel estimates.
Source: Aryeh Bregman, Economic Growth in the Administered Areas, 1968-1973, Jerusalem,
1974, p. 32.
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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