The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 405)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 405)
- المحتوى
peasant; (c) the penetration of Israeli commodity and inflationary price
structure, forcing peasants out of semi-subsistence production into wage-
Third, the traditional industrial labor force, i.e., the small-scale
commodity petty producing craftsmen, who could not survive the competition
with Jewish industrial capital, and the loss of their internal market
upon its invasion by the more competitive Israeli commodity.
This is not different from the transformation of Palestinian agri-
cultural petty production and Jewish petty manufacturing and crafts shops
starting earlier in Israel but intensified most after the 1967 War.
Upon proletarianization the majority of these skilled petty produ-
cer craftsmen were de-skilled or at best entered semi-skilled labor cate-
gories in Israeli-owned capitalist factories in Israel and in the terri-
tories themselves. The size of the modern industrial labor force remains
relatively small in relation to the size of the productive labor force
at large. In 1973 around 32,000 of the total of employed persons who are
residents of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (then totalling 196,000)
were employed in industry. This is to say, the industrial labor force
constituted 12 percent of the total. 38 percent (12,000) of these indus-
trial workers were employed in Israel.7* This represents an increase of
1100 percent in the size of the industrial labor force employed in Israel
in the period 1968-1973.
In light of the figures in Table F-BA, the size of the territories
employed labor force reaches its maximum expansion in 1974, totalling - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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