The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 435)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 435)
service employees. Of course, this is not a homogeneous labor force, in
terms of neither the concrete nor the social form of labor they perform.
Personal services generate mainly manual labor categories while pub-
lic/community and business services generate mainly mental labor categories.
While personal and public services contribute mainly to the sphere of re-
production of the labor force, business services and financing belong di-
rectly to the sphere of circulation.
In cases where collective consumption (services: education, health,
etc.) is centrally subsidized or socialized, then such public services
are not commodities and those employees engaged in the production of these
community services are not engaged in commodity production, hence, the
creation of surplus value, and in this sense, the labor categories gener-
ated in this service branch are not productive, and the employees do not
belong to proletariat class-locations.
Unlike the service employee in a hotel or a restaurant, who (even
if he performs the same concrete forms of labor performed by a personal
service employee in a household) is engaged in the production of a com-
modity that has an exchange value and the selling of which (performed by
the waitress) is realizing the profit for the employer. The cook hired
by the capitalist owner of the restaurant is therefore engaged in material
production, that is, performs a productive labor category; hence, belongs
to proletariat class-location. In the latter case, the labor of the cook/
servant is exchanged against capital, while in the household it is ex-
changed against revenue.
In distinguishing between the social and concrete forms of labor and
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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