The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 504)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 504)
Chart IZ Relations of Politico-ideological Subordination/Domination of Arab and Jewish Productive
Labor Within and Beyond the Production Process in the Context of Zionist Settler-colonialism in
Palestine |
Structural Class Determination in the Social Formation at Large
In the Social Division of Labor Ideological Political
Proletariat Class-location by Subordi- Domi- Subordi- Domi-
Poulantzas' Criteria nation nation nation nation
Economic Ideological Political
Productive Manual Non-supervisory
Western Jews + + + - + - +
Sabra Jews + + + - + _ +
Oriental Jews + + + + _ - +
Citizen Palestinians + + + + - + -
Non-citizen Palestinians + . + + + - + -
Does the differential relations of Israeli-Jews versus Palestinian-Arabs to the Zionist settler-colonial
superstructure, hence, the relations of political-ideological subordination/domination that mark the
place of each national/ethnic group in the social formation predominate the economic/structural deter-
mination of their class-location within the social division of labor?
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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