The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 508)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 508)
union. This chapter exposes the Histadrut as employer.
Histadrut's enterprises are actually patterned on private joint-stock
companies.” The American researcher, M. Plunkett concludes they "in part
operate in accordance with cooperative principles, and in part in accordance
with strictly capitalist methods ."""°
The Histadrut owns and supervises huge tracting, heavy industry, mining,
quarrying, wholesale and retail commerce, and the marketing of agricultural
produce. It controls cooperative enterprises in agriculture, industry, and
transportation, and generally exerts strong economic and political influ-
ence. tt
Most of the big industrial concerns, such as Nesher cement and Shemen
vegetable oil plants, are owned by the Histadrut through its holding company,
Hevrat Ovdim, or in partnership with private investors. Recently, the His-
tadrut has been trying to get a hold in new industrial fields, particularly
heavy industry, and it is buying out some private owners. Mergers are en-
couraged between firms with a view to improving competitiveness overseas.
Many firms are seeking commercial link-ups or know-how agreements with for-
eign companies, especially in northwest Europe and the United States. 1?
The Histadrut's partnership with private capital in mixed enterprises
may be demonstrated in the example of Solel Boneh, Ltd. In thirty mixed
building enterprises, Solel Boneh'’s share was: 1°
- with private capital on a 50-50 basis in 15 enterprises;
~- with State capital -- over 50 percent in 7 enterprises;
- with foreign capital -- under 50 percent in 8 enterprises.
Thus, where foreign capital is invested the Histadrut enterprises tend to
be controlled by foreign monopolies, as, for example, the case with the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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