The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 556)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 556)
In this form of employment outside one's own kibbutz, the employees at
best mobilize revenue but do not contribute to the accumulation process in
their own kibbutz. In kibbutz Nirim, however, they seem to perform capital-
ist productive and most likely manual non-supervisory social forms of labor.
Unlike the former example, in this case the wage earning kibbutznics are
closer to proletariat class-location. But can they belong to the working
class while they still, as members of kibbutz Magen, exercise an
economic ownership or possession over some means of production. They are
not separated from their means of labor, at least land, even in the worst
situation, say for instance, their own kibbutz industry going bankrupt.
It is this latter example that may lead to the questioning of the
theoretical inconceivability of the proletarianization of kibbutznic labor
force, and it is to this situation that the latter conceptualization by Olin
Wright may be applied.
In such cases, does not the Magen community constitute merely the
shell of a kibbutz reality? Does not it liken a "Bantu", a communal semi-
subsistence community whose primary function is to reproduce labor power to
be productively utilized in another collective capitalist enterprise (kib-
butz Nirim)? Does this differ from the "big fish swallowing the little" in
the process of capital accumulation being inevitably also a process of con-
centration? Does not this phenomenon also simulate the essential unevenness
of capitalist transformation and the inseparability of development and under-
development in capitalist accumulation?
Manpower merger in the case of these two kibbutzim, which is becoming
a common practice among all kibbutzim, seems clearly to simulate, both con-
tradictory location between the petty bourgeoisie and proletariat in the
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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