The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 557)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 557)
process of the proletarianization of the petty bourgeoisie (in the case of
kibbutz Magen) and a contradictory location between the petty bourgeoisie
and bourgeoisie in the process of embourgeoisment of the petty bourgeoisie
(in the case of kibbutz Nirim). It is more likely that objectively contra-
dictory locations be only conjunctural; kibbutzim may end forming either
part of the bourgeoisie or of the working class. Such class polarization is
promoted by the merger of kibbutz capital with other sources of capital,
especially foreign investment capital and national cooperative (mainly His-
tadrut) and private capital. Abraham Yassour, a well-known kibbutznic
theoretician indicates that the financing of industrialization has derived
only in part from sources within the kibbutz itseif.?°
The merger with external sources of capital is, undoubtedly, a prerequi-
site for this large-scale, high technology, and rapidly growing industriali-
zation. According to the same source, this process has resulted in the
establishment of some 200 very modern (most likely military-related) indus-
trial plants in a period of ten to fifteen years. What is taking place in
the kibbutz today seems an irreversible transformation that negates all poten-
tial restoration of self-labor. This merger of capital can only intensify
the dependence on non-kibbutznic labor force to create surplus-value. A
situation that promises further proletarianization of Palestinian Arabs and
Israeli-Jews and, in effect, promotes the material conditions for cross-
national proletariat alliances.
According to Samuel Pohoryles, while the number of workers in kibbutz
industry rose by 184 percent in the years 1960-74, the increase in the whole
of Israeli industry rose by about 56 percent. Consequently, the percentage
of workers in kibbutz industry, as against the country's overall industrial
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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