Film Club Populaire June Program (ص 2)


Film Club Populaire June Program (ص 2)
Wednesday, 07 June, 7pm
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Third world liberation & the moving image: A brief introduction to Militant Cinema by
Mario Hamad
Starting with manifestos of 1960s Latin America, traversing expressions from Paris to Palestinian
refugee communities and Japanese leftist radicalism, and culminating with the pixelated atrocity
footage captured on cell phone cameras in Syria half a century later, this lecture provides a
contextual overview of the numerous manifestations of politically engaged film praxes from
around the globe that came to be known as— or could be considered to be— Militant Cinema.
Thursday, 15 June, 7pm
(Wujoud) - embodied resistance. A lecture-screening of works by Wujoud
Drawing from a long-standing engagement with Syrian civil society activists, the films of Wujoud
Collective are situated at the intersection of a militant and expanded audio-visual practice.
Conceived as forms of activism intended to resist the narrative component of the Assad regime's
campaign of genocide, these films are manifested through intermedial processes designed to
induce their audience to experience levels of embodied awareness via strategies that range from
the intimate, to the unsettling, to the participatory. Underpinning this series is the concept of
wujoud (Arabic: presence/existence) which takes on an inherently political significance in the
context of genocide in Syria, emerging as a praxis and ethos of resistance embodied in the
very being of a Syrian opposition, and manifested in these films by the presence of Syrian civil
activists and an audience’s engagement with these very individuals.
to Mustafa Abu Ali, the Unit's method of work was to describe
rkers,” and we see this in the film titles, which collectively list the
cipated as a non-hierarchical collective. Through this reflection on
meditation on the Palestinian people's struggle to
heir own terms in the 1960s and 1970s, with the
of the PLO. Unearthing films stored in archives
earch and access, the film begins with popular
“sa ks of militant filmmakers in reclaiming
Be a. In resurrecting a forgotten memory
itant cinem?- a critical reflection by
H ut also weaves
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