The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 104)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 104)
to carry on the armed struggle against the British under their
reorganized National Front. °°
As the ANM was disengaging from Nasserism in the South
because of its failure to reach an understanding with Nasser's
bureacratic machinery, the Arab Nationalists in Iraq and Syria
were finding it extremely difficult to work with their brother
Nasserites. In Iraq they were disenchanted with Arif's regime
which wanted the Arab Socialist Union to serve as an adjunct
to the State machinery. Therefore, they withdrew from the
official organization and went underground to fight the
37 Likewise, they were disappointed
“deviationist leadership".
by their experience in the Syrian Arab Socialist Union. They
did not find their fellow Nasserites radical enough to start
a new beginning. °°
It was not very long before both Nasser and the ANM
discovered that their common venture has come to a dead end.
The Executive Committee of the ANM which met in July 1966
agreed that in analyzing the Nasserite movement one should
make the distinction between its different forces, especially
between its "right", represented by its bourgeois bureacratic
agents and their class, ideological and organizational
36 statement by Qahtan al-Sha'bi, personal interview,
July 16, 1967.
37 statement by Hashim Ali Muhsin, personal interview,
June 24, 1970.
38 statement by anonymous, personal interview,
November 18, 1968.
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi
مجموعات العناصر
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