The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 136)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 136)
backwardness. Any attempt to this explanation was. doomed
to be contradictory. If nations were to have their salva-
tion by religion, then Christianity would be superior to
Islam since the powerful West is Christian. On the other
hand, if the civilization of the West were to be understood
as divorced from Christianity, then the cause of strength
and advancement would be found in something other than
religion. This ideology doubtlessly imparted great ir.fluence
on the masses, but nevertheless it failed to capture their
imagination, and it failed to advance a theory that couid
explain the day-to-day events in the world.
Because the economic development of the Arab
countries was so lagging behind Europe, Communism was trans-
lated to the Arab masses in a very crude manner. The lack
of a working class tradition and a socialist intellectual
heritage rendered the early introduction of Marxism to the
Arab world as a mechanistic fatalistic doctrine. The working
class was presented as the long-awaited here, the new Mahdi.
But since the problems of the Arab countries were not centered
around the struggle between the workers and the capitalists,
but around the need for industrialization, the Communist
parties failed to play any meaningful role. Instead they
followed literally whatever instructions they received from
Stalinist Russia. Since some of these instructions were
against the deep-rooted national feeling, Communism was
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Basil R. Al-Kubaisi
مجموعات العناصر
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