The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 146)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 146)
The Syrian secession, which was triggered by the big land-
owners and capitalists, had shown that those classes are
not for national unity. Muhsin Ibrahim claimed that this
fact does not negate the basic premises and principles of
Arab nationalism. On the contrary, he stressed, it serves
to enrich the ideology of Arab nationalism. Because of the
previous colonial rule, the economics of the Arab countries
did not develop according to the national interest. Their
colonial character made the big landowners and capitalists
develop their strength by linking their interests with the
financial centers of the colonial powers. These interests
made it impossible for these classes to play the role that
was played by their counterpart in Europe in the last century,
i.e., to be nationalist in character. ?? Economic planning
in the developing nations is in conflict with the interests
of the bourgeoisie. In the Arab world national unity is in
conflict with the bourgeoisie because the latter have an
interest in keeping the Arab states divided. This explana-
tion doubtless added a new ingredient to the new nationalism.
It took the ideology away from the liberal heritage by
stressing its anti~bourgeois character, and it moved away
from fascism by emphasizing the role of the masses and the
need for democratization.
125e seems that Muhsin Ibrahim was very much
influenced by the writings of Franz Fanon.
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi
مجموعات العناصر
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