The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 153)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 153)
politicians lost their controlling position in the movement.
Nevertheless, their legacy remained with the ANM for years
to come. Indeed some of these politicians continued to
command the respect and moral support of the ANM.
In Iraq, the ANM branch took the unprecedented step,
as far as the movement is concerned, of working with the
Military. This was. to implicate the movement in a series
of abortive coups. While the Iraqi branch failed to utilize
the military to bring about the desired revolutionary changes,
other branches of the movement, especially the Syrian branch,
built upon the ANM relations with the military in Iraq, to
enter Arab politics from its widest door! This special
relationship with the military was later to be utilized also
by the national leadership of the ANM to win ithe favors of
President Nasser.
The ANM also spread to Egypt, Libya, the Sudan and
the Yemen, but in each of these countries, except for the
latter it remained a student movement. In the Yemen it was
reinforced by a number of experienced politicians such as
Qahtan al-Sha'bi, who gave the movement a political organiza-
tion and a sense of direction. The Yemen, and more importantly
Aden and the South Arabian Federation, soon provided the ANM
with the battleground to test its theories on armed struggle
and guerilla warfare. Indeed, the victory of the ANM~
dominated National Liberation Front in South Yemen gave a
greater incentive to the ANM to develop its revolutionary
theories and to apply them elsewhere in the Arab world.
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi
مجموعات العناصر
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