The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 155)
- عنوان
- The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 155)
- المحتوى
the defeat, and the third, though admitting the shortcomings
of the old line, nevertheless did not single out those
shortcoming as wholly responsible for the defeat. Instead,
it put the emphasis on the superior forces facing the Arab
mation. In any event, the mother organization was dismembered,
and the old factions now emerged as independent political
It is significant to note that the emerging groups
which have outlived the mother organization such as the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the
Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PDFLP), the Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied
Gulf, the Organization of the Lebanese Socialists, and the
Arab Socialist Action Party, have all subscribed to Marxism
Leninism. This trend towards Marxism~Leninism may be
attributed to the following factors:
1. The industrious work of a group of party members
who have absorbed Marxist through. It is believed that such
influential members as Muhsin-Ibrahim and Nayef al-Hawatmah,
both members of the Political Bureau of the ANM, were utilizing
Marxism as a tool of analysis as early as 1959.
2. The Nationalization Decrees of 1961 in the U.A.R.
have singled out the bourgeoisie as a force inimical to the
cause of unity.
3. The secession of Syria from the U.A.R. prompted
by the feudalist~bourgeois alliance emphasized the conviction
held earlier that the bourgeois class cannot be trusted anymore. - تاريخ
- 1971-02-07
- المنشئ
- Basil R. Al-Kubaisi
- مجموعات العناصر
- Generated Pages Set
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