The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 163)


The Arab Nationalists Movement 1951-1971: From Pressure Group to Socialist Party (ص 163)
- "Houl Mawgif Hizb al-Ba'th min Masalat_al-Wuhdah
‘Bayn Masr wa Suriyah" [Concerning the Ba’th Party and its
Stand on the Question of Unity between Egypt and Syria].
pp. 1-13.
- “Al-Ittihad al-Qawmi" [The National Union]. pp. 1-3.
"Al-Marhalah al-Qawmiyah al-Hadhirah wa Ahdafuha"
[The Present National Phase and Its Objectives]. pp.
al-Tatawurat al-Akhirah
- "Al-Marhaliyah ‘ala Dhou'
fi al-Bilad al-"Arabiyah" [The Two-Phase Program in the
Light of the Latest Developments in the Arab World].
pp. 1-4.
"Mawqifuna Min al-'Askariyeen"
the Military]. pp. 1-8.
__- “Nata'ij al-Intikhabat Fi Sur" [The Results of the
Elections in Sidon]. pp. 1-7.
- Ta'mim Hawl Ism al~Harakah [Circular Concerning
the Name of the Movement]. pp. 1-3.
- ‘"Al-Tatawurat al-Akhirah Fi Hizb al-Ba'th"
[The Latest Developments in the Ba'’th Party]. pp. 1-4.
- "Al-Tatawurat al-Akhirah Fi al-Jamhuriyat al-
Arabiyah al-Mutahida" [The Latest Developments in the
United Arab Republic}. pp. 1-6.
{Our Attitude towards
5. Lectures
ANM. "Al-Ahdaf al-'Arabiyah al-Raisiyah"
Arab Objectives]. pp. 1-4.
"“Awaliyat fi al-Tanzim: Kayf Tattasil"
How to Approach].
{The Principal
[Preliminaries of Organization:
Ppp. 1-4,
- “Awaliyat fi al-Tanzim: al-Khaliyah"
[Preliminaries of Organization: The Cell]. pp.
. Fi al-Tathgqif al-Qawmi [National Education]
(A collection of Lectures). pp. 1-144.
[The Political Solution
1-4 °
"Al-Hal al-Siyasi Awalan"
First]. pp. 1-3.
Basil R. Al-Kubaisi
مجموعات العناصر
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