The Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 in Palestine: A Study Based on Oral Sources (ص 25)


The Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 in Palestine: A Study Based on Oral Sources (ص 25)
proprietors in this area) became the peasants landlords, <
| as protectors."* The second case of significance was the
sold for the amount of tax arrears ow
ed by the inhabitants of Abu-
Shusha. The peasants remained on the land and worked it as tenants an
tilled it according to the musha’ system. The Bergheims managed the
ds themselves.”
of the nineteenth century were the local P
expanded their propertie
By the end of the 1870s, merchant and banking capital had a
begun to penetrate into the Palestinian countryside. The breaking
power of the rural sheikhs was shifti
elites. The rural areas lost their autonomy and the rural Sheik
s from rural areas to the urban
17 Ibid. p.25
18 Ibid, p.23
19 Ibid, p.23
Sonia Nimr
مجموعات العناصر
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