The Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 in Palestine: A Study Based on Oral Sources (ص 59)


The Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 in Palestine: A Study Based on Oral Sources (ص 59)
| Jews were traditionally allowed to pray there with mutual
ing between both communities concerning certain rules whicl
ybserved by the Jews. This included a rule forbidding them
police moved it forcibly.
The government appointed a commission to study th
published on the 19th November 1928 and conc
> Jews against the Arabs. This culminated 1
ion at the wall the following dav.
out, atest ig Wa al- Mu’ ass:
mmad Izzat Darwa Qadiya al-Filastiniye
Robert Jo and Sami Hadawi, Palestine lary.
Sonia Nimr
مجموعات العناصر
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