The Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 in Palestine: A Study Based on Oral Sources (ص 61)


The Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 in Palestine: A Study Based on Oral Sources (ص 61)
documented evidence to prove that the Mufti and the executive
g to calm and restrain the masses, asking them t
as Spontaneous and believes that the masses did not wait for orders from
the leadership «
of the masses shows that:
"The rejection of the masses not only of the olicy o
occupation and the Zionist movement, but also
rejection of the policy o
f conferences. meetings anc
protests adopted by the executive committee."
1 Robert John and Sami Hadawi, Palestine e Diary.
32 u aa al- ah U ’ +1 Notanana al Wa al- if:
Sonia Nimr
مجموعات العناصر
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