Palestine: A Modern History (ص 39)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 39)
80 Polarisation: The Military Administration 1917-1920
10. MacDonogh to Clayton, 21 November 1916, FO 882/14. f
11. HMSO, Palestine Royal Commission Report Cmd. 5479.0f 1937 (London;
1937 edition), p.153. Hereafter referred to as the Peel Commission Report.
Also see Colonel AP. Wavell, The Palestine Campaigns ‘London, 1928), p. 13;
Jeffries, op.cit., pp.210-115 and T.E. ‘Lawrence, Revolt in the Desert,
London, 1927 p.208.
12. Deedes to H.Cr.of Egypt, 16 ‘December 1917, FO 141/803. Also see Clayton
to'FO December 1917, FO 141/803.
13. Deedes to Genéral Headquarters, EEF, 19 December 1914; FO 141/803.
14, Clayton to FO, 30 December 1917, FO 341/803. 2 ca
15. Clayton to Sykes, 15 December 1917, Clayten Papers, Dyrham Univetsity,,
16. Sir Mark Sykes, ‘The Palestine and West Arabian Situation’, Wat Cabinet, 1
January 1918, FO 371/3388. < a
17. Ibid.
18. Between December 1917, and. the summer of 1920) Paléstine was governed
“according to the rules of militafy ‘adininistration of occupjed'enemy territory.
This meant that the Occupied ‘Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) was
bound by military law to preserve the status quo, to avoid the introduction of
marked change in the laws of the country or their manner of application and to
carry on with the least disturbance of public life pending the appointment of a
permanent government. The Administration in Palestine was a‘military +
organisation acting under a chief Administrator who received his orders from
the Commander-in-Chief (General Allenby) through the General Officer
Commanding. There were thirteen Military Governors of Distgicts, reduced in
1919 to ten, with fifty-nine milifary officers as assistants. See, Peel Commission
Report, op.cit., pp.1534. Bae
18, Ronald Storrs,-Orientations, London, 1937, p.353.
20. A letter from Mr Joseph Cohen, The Times, 19 September i919; and Weizmann,
op.cit., p.305.
21. Weizmann to Eder, 17 December 1918, FO 371/4170.
22. ‘Note on the Interview-with Mr. Balfour, 4 December 1918, FO 371/3385.
23. FO to Wingate, 4 January 1918, FO.371/3054s Also,see Commander Hogarth’s
interview with King Huyssejn, 15 Janyary 1918, FO 371/3383.
24. Clayton to FO, 29 February ‘1918, FO 371/3391. For manifestations of, anti-
Zionism among Arabs oniside Palestine sge same to same, 5 March-l918, FO
25. FO to, Wingdte, 13 February 1918 , Durham 148/5~No.218.
26. Clayton, to FQ,10 March 1918, "FO, 37/3391,
27. Clayton was not altogether happy, at the complete identification of Britain
with the Zionist aims and hoped that the Zionist Commission would rectify
the situation. See same tagamey 14 March 1918, FO 371/339. 4
28. Clayton to FO, 30 March 1918, FO 371/3391. d
29, Clayton to Sykes, 3 |. Magch.1 918, FO 371/3383. 1 '
30. Weizman, Op.cit., 2a 1
31. Clayton to KO, 9 April.1918, FO 371/3391.
32. Ormsby-Gore to, Balfour, 19, April 1918, FO 371/3395,
33. Ibid., ’ ‘
34. Ibid.
35. The Palestine News, 25 April 1918, British Museum, author’s translation. ;
36. Weizmann to Ormsby-Gore, 16 April,1918, FO 371/3398. }
37. Storrs to OETA, GHQ, 22, April 1918, FO 371/3398. Clayton too found it
necessary -to sound a vote “of caution to-Sykes, see Clayton to Sykes, 18 ;
April 1918, Durham 148/8. sg
Polarisation: The Military Administration 1917-1920 81
38. See 22 April 1918, FO 371/3398.
39. A letter from Weizmann to Brandeis, 25 April 1918, FO 371/3395.
40. ‘Future of Palestine’, May 1918, FO 371/3383.
41. Weizmann to Balfour, 30 May 1918, FO 371/3395.
42. Ibid. Clayton was the one who encouraged Weizmann to befriend the
Hashemites. See 13 June 1918, Durham 148/10.
' 43. P.C. Joyce, ‘Interview between Dr Weizmann and Sharif Faisal’, 5 June 1918,
FO 883/14.
p 44,27 August'l918, FO 271/3389, Annex 2.
45. Clayton to Wingate,s2 August 1918, Durham 149/3.
* 46, Albina to Sykes; n.d., FO 800/221. a
47. The Palestine News, 27 June 1918.
48. Clayton to FO, 31 August 1918, FO 371/3395.
49. See 1 October 1918, FO 371/3395.
50. Clayton to Balfour, 16 June 1918, FO 371/3395. It is not-unlikely that; +
Ormsby-Gore included agricultural workers in the category of ‘Arab labour’.
52. Clayton to.,FO 17 July 1918, FO 371/3391.
53.27 August 1918, FO 3711/3389.
54. ‘Report of the Arab Movement’, Arab Bureau, Cairo, July 1918, FO 882/3391.
f 55. Clayton to FO, 25 August 1918, FO 371/3391.
56. Colonél T.E. Lawrence saw ‘Zionist ambiticns in-Palestine as a counter to the
Sykes-Picot agreement and a way of ‘hiffing’ thé Ftench out of the Middle East’
and it was nét surprising that the French were willing to condone Arab anti-
Zionist articles in 1918, See Philip Knightly and Colin Simpson, The Secret Lives
of Lawrence of Arabia, London, 1969,:p.102.
[. 57. Sykes to Picot,7 September 1918, FO 371/3388.
58. See Clayton to Wingate, 21 Septembér’1918,-Durham 148/8.
rY 9
59. Amery, L.S. ‘The Future of Palestine’, 18 October 1918, FO 371/3384.
F 60. ‘The Strategic Importance of Syria to:tHe British:Empire’, General Staff, War
Office, 9 December 1918, FO 371/4178.
61. Clayton to Foreign secretary, 8 November 1918, FO‘371/3385. Also see 4
November 1919 FO 141/803.
62. Ibid.
63. Clayton to FO, 19 November 1918, FO'371/3395. The‘Anglo-French
Declaration referred to is that of November 1918, addressed to the Arab
5 provinces of the Ottoman Erhpire, which-was instrumental in fostering the
rising hopes for freedom and independence: ‘The object aimed at by France
and Great Britain in:prosecuting the War in the Eas. . .is the complete and
3 q definite emancipation of the peoples so long oppregsed by the Turks and
establishment of national governments and administrations deriving ‘their
authority from the initiative and free choicé,of the indigenous populations’. See
25 March 1919, FO 371/4179; also see Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers,
Cmd. 5974 of 1939 ,p-51 and Jacob Hurewitz, Diplomacy in the Near and
Middle East, vol.11, Princeton 1958 (first published 1956), p.30.
64. 16 November 1918, FO 37173386.
; 65. See Hubbard to H.Q., OETA South, 20 November 1918, FO 371/3386.
E 66. 15 November 1919, FO 371/3386.
a q i. 67, Storrs to OETA South, HQ, 19 November 1918, FO 37173386.
: 68. The Muslim Arabs consistently backed the struggle of the Christian Orthodox
. Arabs against the Greek hierarchy in their Church. Storzs thought that ‘this
solidarity has been very greatly increased by the menace of Zionism’. See
Storrs to HQ, OETA South, 16 November 1918, FO 371/3386.
9. Same to same, 24 November 1918, FO 371/3386.
: 70. Ibid.
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Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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