Palestine: A Modern History (ص 40)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 40)
82 Polarisation: The Military Administration 1917-1920
71. The Palestine News, 6 February 1919.
72. J.N. Cathp, ‘The Paléstine Conference’, 15 February 1919, FO 3713/4153.
73. Ibid., p.3.
74. See 5 February 1919, FO 371/4153.
75. Camp, op.cit.
76. Ibid.
77. Ibid.
78. Ibid.
79. According to Darwaza the delegation was prevented from proceeding to \
Damascus by the British authorities. See ‘Izzat-Darwaza, al-Qadiyya
al-Falastiniyya (The Palestinian Question) (Saida, 1959),.p.36.
81. A report by Weizmann, 8 February 1919, FO 371/4170.
82. Ibid. The Catholics, however, were in favour of a united Syria on account of
their anti-Zionist leanings as well as their pro-French sympathies. See 18
March 1919, FO'371/4180.
83. The presence of three Jewish battalions Royal Fusiliers (British Army)
augmented Arab unrest; a complete file on the history, formation and record
of these units is available at the Public Record office, War Office,
84. 19 February 1919, FO 371/4179°
85. Clayton to FO, 26 March 1919, FO 371/4153.
86. See 30 April 1919, FO'371/4180.
87. 2 May 1919, FO 371/4180.
88. For the text of the Agreenient and Faisal’s hand-written reservation see
St Anthony’s Private Papers, Middle East Library, Oxford; and Weizmann,
op.cit., pp.308-9.
89. Clayton to FO, 11 May 1919,FO 371/4180.
90. See Weizmann to Aaron and Felix, 8 May 1919, FO 371/4181.
91. A prominent British Zionist who had assumed the post of Home Secretary and
who later became First High Commissioner in Palestine.
92. 10 May:1919, CZA Z/16009.
93. Ibid.
94. Ibid.
95. Clayton to FO, 2 May 1919, FO#371/4181.
96. Ibid. '
97. See Harry Howard, The King Crane Commission, Beirut, 1963, pp79-34
passim, 1
98. In Palestine itself 260 petitions in all were submitted and out of these 222
(85.3 per cent) declared ‘against the Zionist programme. This was the largest
percentage in the district of any one point. For some of the original Arabic
petitions see King Papers, Oberlin Gollegé Library }Oberlin, Ohio.
99. Howard, op.cit., p.100.:
100. Ibid., p.102.
101. Charles R. Crane and Henry C. King, Report.of the American Section of
of the Inter-Allied Commission of Mandates in Turkey, Section One, Report
upon Syria, Parigs,.28 August 1919, National:Archives, Department of State,
181.9102/9, hereafter referred to a$ the Syrian Report. Also see Department
of State, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States. The
Paris Peace Conference 1919, US Government Printing Office, 1947. Also
see Howard, op.cit., pp.345-56.
101. Howard, op.cit., p.98.
103. Clayton to Curzon, Enclosure no.1, 5 June 1919, FO 371/4181. ’
104. Ibid.
105, Clayton to Foreign Secretary, 19 June 1919, FO 371/4181.
Polarisation: The Military Administration 1917-1920 83
106. Memorandum of the General Syrian Con, i i
‘ gress to the A:
107 ne Alted Commission, 3 July 1919, FO 371/4182. merican Section of the
. Ibid. ‘
108. French to Curzon, 30 August 1919, FO 371/4182
109. 12 August 1919, FO 371/4226. ,
110. Camp to CPO, GHQ, Cairo, 12 August 1919, FO 371/4182.
111. Weizmann, op.cit., 8 February 1919. These societies were el-Muntada
eeArabi et-Nadi el Arabi and el-Akha we'l-Afaf. »
. Hagana Archives, Jerusalem, 27 A
ae ugust 1919.
114, Ibid., 2 September 1919,
115. Ibid.
116. Watson to CPO, EEF, 16 August 1919, FO 371/4171.
ea eeeneme would have provided much-needed loans for the Arab farmers
onist objections against the sche i i '
4 uly 1919.F0 S7ijeee me see Weizmann to Sir Ronald Graham,
118. Report of the Court of Inquiry convened by order of H.E..The High
Commissioner‘and Gommander-In-Chief dated the 12th Day of April 1920”
ke oe FO 371/5121, hereafter referred,to as the Palin Commission ,
119, ‘Zionism’, Naval Intelligence, 19 September 1919
120. 18 October 1919, FO 371/4185. e288
121. ‘Situation in Syria and Palestine’, Naval I i
EO 37/4038 , Naval Intelligence, 12 December 1919,
122 ‘Situation in Syria and Palestine’, Naval Intelli
FO 37/4238 , al Intelligence, 9 January 1920,
123.7 February 1920, FO 371/4181.
124. Palin Commission Report, op.cit., p.56
125. Ibid., p.57. Pei Poe:
126. See Weizmann, op.cit., pp.317-18; Christopher Sykes, Crossroads to Israel,
London, 1965, p.21. .
8 See Darwaza, op.cit., p.37.
. Palin Commission Report, op.cit., p.53
129. Ibid.,p.62. Preity Poe
BL Darwaza, op.cit., p.37.
1. ‘Isa Sifri, Fi in al.‘ { i i
‘95 . a alastin al-‘Arabiyya bayn al-Intidab wa al-Sahyuniyya, Jerusalem,
132. Palin Commission Report, op.cit.
133. Ibid., p.65. POs OPEN PPLI-
134, Ibid., pp.75-8.
135, Ibid., p.68.
136. Ibid,, p.70.
137. Ibid., p.79.
. 138. Ibid, pp.81-2.
139. Long prison sentences were inst ‘ j
BF passed against ‘Aref al-'Aref and Haj Ami
Husseini, but both were able to escape to Trans-Jordan em
ae Storrs, 9p.cit., p.391. ,
1. See Elie Kedourie, ‘Sir Herbert Samuel
S »‘S. and the Gove: t ine’
Middle Eastern Studies, vol.V, no.1, January 1969. fnment of Palestine!
~ 142. A letter from Herbert Samuel to Lord Curzon, 14 May 1920, FO 800/156.
143. Herbert Samuel, Memoirs, London, 1945, p.168.
144. Sifri, op.cit., pp.34-5,
Sa Shetiptetnea, Hie sete ne
Sanna Oe
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eae tee ae eee ar
Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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