Palestine: A Modern History (ص 61)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 61)
Mandate period, pp.73-119. q 45. Ibid., p.3. For a critical account of Samuel’s attitude on the appointment of
Hajj, Amin to the Muftiship of Jerusalem sce Kedourie, Sir Herbert Samuel,
4 op.cit., pp.48-59.,
fF 46.On7 May 1921, Samuel appointed a Commission of Enquiry headed by Sir
Thomas Haycraft, Chief Justice of Palestine..For the-findings of the Haycraft
Commission see ‘Palestine Disturbances in May 1921. Report of the Gommiis-
4 sion of Inquiry with Correspondence relating thereto”. Cmd: 1540.19.21.
k 47. Brunton, 9 June 1921, opicity, The text.of the original Arabic leaflet is
a quoted in my documentary; Watha ‘iq al Muqawama al-Falastiniyya ale‘Arabiyya
: Deadlock: 1920-1923 an ©
i 124: Deadlock: 1920-1923 | ab ..
yi f E
i : . ; 23. For the English text of the resolutions see Matiel E.T. Mogannam. The Arab : |
Acceptance of the Balfour Declaration on the one hand, but also refused Woman and the Palestine Problem, London, 1937, pp.125-7. '
| t6! ‘prorhote or condone any revolutionary course against the Anglo- fF 24, According to the political report for December 1920, there were forty-three
f woe. ; , . uslim-Christian Societies with a membership of around 3,000 by June 1920. ‘
| Zionist convergence on the other. The latter Stand could oe ee See Samuel to-Curzon, | January 1920, Enclosure, FO 371/6374, | I:
to’ the dread of British military: might, as’ well as to belie a | 25. See Falastin, 20 and 27 March 1920.
A revolution: woultk inevitably be detrimental to'their own.interests. Their + 26. Monthly Political Report, Jahuary 1921, Samuel to Curzon, Enclosure in No.1, nt] | |
failure to ‘adheYe:to 4 revolutionary platfotm did not lead to the _ ety 1921, FO 371/6374. :
ae emergénce’ of*a revolutionary leadérship from among the. middle-class } 28. Deedes to Tilley, 14 January 1921, CO 733/17A. |
militant nationalists. Thus, the ‘lower strata’ of the Palestinian society, JME 29. Ibid. 7 ; ae
q which was potentially willing to revolt was left leaderless and a long 30. s76978 Report, February 19215 H.Cr. to Curzon, | March 1921, i ith
: 5 : " ° 1
i period. of stagnation-ensued. 31. Ibid., also see Samuel to FO, 19 February 1921, FO 371/6375. i i
t fitha ot F 32. Until then Palestine’s affairs wereithe responsibility of the Foreign Office. \ i |
He Notes . ; 33. Fora general study on Churchill’s favourable view of Ziorlism see Oskar it
"i . . . . ; : Rabinowicz, Winston Churchill on Jewish Problems, London, 1956. Also see * |
AG 1. Palin Comtnission Report, 1 July"1920, FO 371/5121, p.37. an article by Winston Churchill ‘Ziqnism versus Bolshevism’, [Illustrated ' He
“ 2- Allenby to Lloyd George, 6 May 1920, Lloyd.George Papers, Beaverbrook | Sunday Herald, 8 Webruary 1920. + if j | |
" ibary, . ' | 34. For a general account of the Conference see CAB 24/126. i i |
3. Weizmann, dp.cit., p.352. 35. Ibid., p.108. Hl
il oe 1/5 i of Protest’, between 2 and 10 May 1920, FO 371/5120 and FO | 36. Monthly Political Repost, March 192}, Deedes to Churchill,.8,April 1921, : li
i . ; CO 733/2, p.6. RAG
{I 5. Al-Karmal, 13 May 1920. 57 Ibid. i
6. See Memorandum by Eder, 5 May 1920, Hagana Archives (HA). F 38. Ibid., p.2. : in
ate 7. A report addressed to Eder, 30 May 1920, Hagana-Archives (HA). F 39. Cairo Conference, CAB 24/126, p.150. For another copy of the | ih
AE | E 8. BaJs,to KO? June 1920, FO 371/5114, p.2. In,anreffort to counter the, ‘ memorandum see ‘official Report’ attached to the Monthly Political Report, it iil
: : ( -advantages enjoyed by the Zionists through their accessibility to the British ‘ March 1921, op.cit. i i 1
| i public, the Palestinian Arabs published a paper in English in The Times, under : 40. Ibid. 4 t
a f the ame of the Jerusaleni Gazette. Its first number on 22 June was full of 41, Ibid., p.151.
| . i bitter attacks on Zionism and Sir Herbert Samuel. See Paper submitted to the 42. Monthly Political Report, April 1921, Deedes to Churchill, CO 733/3, p.l. { i
Ah i ; ‘FQ, 26 June 1920, FO 371/5120. ' + 43..Repost by C.D. Brunton, 13 May 1921, presented to the Cabinet in a i .
Py 9. See Bols to Fo, 7 June 1920, Fo ane acm if the Mittille East. Léndon c. memorandury by the Secretary of State for the-Colonies, ‘The Situation int 4 |
i . Walter’ Laqueur, Cotmmunism and Nationalism in the Middle East, London, 4 ‘Palestine’, 9 June 1921 CO 733/13. . 1
! **19617p:79. The author covérs communism in Paléstine throughout the B 44. Ibid., p.5. . / .
41. Allenby, Cairo, to FO, 9 June 1920, FO 371/5120.
12.°GHQ; Egypt, to WO, 3 June 1920, FO 371/5120. Also see Bols to FO, 24
Jurte? 1920, FO.371/5120 and 25 June 1920, FO 371/5114, +
A 13. Situation’in,Palestine’, FO Minute, 31 May 1920, FO 371/5119.
14. Samuel, Memoirs p.154. do,
ae 15. In Srder to make sure that ‘the Palestine Gévernment Was in’ sympathy with the
| JNH policy Samuel asked Syndham Deedes, of Alienby’s Intelligence Staff, to
i become Civil (later Chief) Secretary and Norman Bentwich to become Legal
— a a a
Filey eed Sate a
ase OM
ri , Secretary, both of whom were pro-Zionist. Ibid., p.155.. dida al-thtilal al,Baritani-wa al-Sahyuniyya (Documents of the:Palestini@n'Arab ng
i 16. See Bols to FO, 25 June 1920, FO 3741/5114. Resistance Against British Occupation and Zionism), Beirut:,}968, pp.225, td r
on 17; Samuel to Curzon, 12July 1920, FO 371/5121, pa. = hereafter referred to as Documents. i
AL H i k8. Ibid., pp.1+3, passim. . @e 48. Brunton, 9 June 1921, op.cit. , Fs ‘
an | 19. See ‘Report on the Arabic Press’, July 1920, FO 371/5188. . . 49. Ibid., pp.2-3. o t Peal
App i 20. Edwitl Montague, who was & minister and héad of the India Offite, protested r 50. Ibid. Soy. ‘ie
HT vehemently to Lotd-Curzon-abdinst the placing of the Muslirhs in a minority ee 51. See ‘Interim Report of the Commission of Enquiry (Haycraft), forwarded by ee
wey. position on the Coungil.See Montague to Curzon, 26 November 1920, KO Deedes to Churchill, 16 August 1921, CO 733/5, p.24. : |
ie , 3981/5124. ; , f 52. Samuel to Churchill; 8 May 1921, CO 733/3, p.l-Vor other reports on the ool
qa 21. Deedes:to Tilley, 10 October 1920, #0 371/5124. = ‘ - i.
| 22. Safe to-same, 1 November L920, FO 371/5124. '
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Palestine: A Modern History
Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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