Palestine: A Modern History (ص 107)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 107)
224 The Great Palestine Revolt:’-1936-L93&
Notes af yay
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1'Cabinet. Paléstine. Legislative Council,10 Jatiyary 1936, CO 733/293.
2. H.Cr. to Colonial Secretary, 22 February 1956,°CO 733/293.
3. Thomas to Wauchope, 25 March 1936, CO 733/293.
4, A week after the Commons debate Wauchope reported, ‘ie am told on good
authority that they (the Jews) have boasted to the Arabs in private that they
can square matters in London’, 31 March 1936, co 733/293:
$. Falastine 15 April 1936. 4
6¢ These, disputes were bjtterly criticised in the Press and were taken,as another
indication of the leadership’s inadequacy. See Falasin, 19-22 April 1936,
7. H.Cr. to Secretary of State for the Colonies, 19 April 1936, CO 733/310. Also
_ see Peel Commission, op.cit., p.96.
8. “Alloush, related,that at L tig | point Farhan al-Sa‘adi, one of Qassam’s assistants, ’
“reappeared and kille three Jews asa signal for renewed guerrilla action against
the Jews and the Gévernment’ ibids*p.109.
9. See ‘Memorandum of Comments by the High Commissionér on General Dill’s
report in Palestine from the, isth Septemper to 30th October, 1936’,
CO 733/317.
10. Sed’Sir Vice Marshal Peirgé to’ Air Minidtry, 15 October’ 1936, CO 733/317,
p.l5u' Ff 4,
rh Beg Wauchope to.Thomas, 23 April ‘1936, Enclosure, CO 733/310, p.3.
12. Ibid,, p.5
13. Se#auchope td’ Thomas, 44 April i936, Enclosure B, CO 733/310.
14. See Documents, op.cit.; pp377-8. > 3k
15. Relief of distribution for the poor was organised according,to er of. residence
, and through ‘special cards issued for that purpose. See. Falastin, 2 April 1936.
16. See Documénté, op.cit., p. 378-9.
te See Wauchope to‘ Thomas 2% April 1936, Appenai G:00433/297.
8. [bid., Appendix Ay « ata
Falastin, 9 May 1936.
13) ee Documents, op.cit., pp.381-5.
21008-233/2974 1m + dia
22! 14.May1936, €O.733/297. 5
23. Peirse to, Air Ministry, op.cit., p,2
24, Water, electricity dnd Varbage colleétioh * workers were excluded from the strike.
25. See Wauchope to Ormsby-Gore, 8 July 1936, Wnclésure ICO 733/313.
26, His successor ‘Izzat ,Darwaza was alsg jounded-yp forthe sgme season.
27 CO 733/297.
98" Note of Interview’, 23 June 1936, CO 733/341,
292H.Cr )toiColonial Secrétary, 16 June 1936; CO°733/297. ~
30. Peirse to Air Ministry, op.cit., p.34., ,
31. Wauchope to Ormsby-Gore, 6 June 1936, Enélosure 601, *¢o 733/310.
322Ibid. Enclosure 602, p.2. ve
33.16 Jun¢ 1936, The three thausahd‘J ewish-inhabitants' of Jaffa had to be«
evacuated to Tel Aviv. yt
34. Peirse to ‘Air Ministry, op.cit!, p. 58. \ *
35. Wid. ppao- soy ’
36. Wauchope to Ormsby-Gore, 24 June ‘1936. co 733/297. aatd s
3hySee 23,June 1936, CO 733/302,
38. ‘Record ‘of an interview with the Secretary of ate” “La guir 1336, co "73 3/321.
39, Colonial Secretary to H.Cr. 7 July 1936, CO'733/3rgs8e
40. Pierse to Air Ministry, op.cit., p.66. F)
41. Darwaza, op.cit., p.140.
The Great Palestine Revolt: 1936-1939
42. For his first declaration see Documents, op.cit., pp.433-6. Kawukji was an
officer in the Turkish Army in the war and with the French after the War
where he obtained the Legion d’Honneur for his work as an intelligence
officer. He joined the Druze rebellion in 1925 and was sefitenced to death by
the French but managed to escape to the ‘Hejaz where he becarhe military
advisor to King Ibn Sa‘ud, Thereafter he joined the Iraqi Army from which
he resigned in 1936.
43. Peirse to air Ministry, op.cit., p.94.
44, Wauchope to, Ormsby-Gore, 22 August.1936, op.cit.
45. Ibid. p.97.
46. Ibid.
47. Same to same, 26 August 1936,CO 733/314.
48. ‘Record of Conversation with the Secret of State’, 31 August 1936,
CO 733/297.
49. Cabinet. The Situation in Palestine, 2 September 1936, CO 733/297.
50. 10 September 1936, CO 733/314.
51. See Documents, op.cit., pp.439-41.
52. Wauchope to Ormsby-Gore, 12 September 1936,CO 733/ 311.
53. Peel Commission Report, op.cit., p.101.
54. See Wauchope to Ormsby-Gore, 0 November 1936; Enclosure I, CO 733/311.
55. Peel Commission Report, op.cit., p.105. a
56. For the most important case of these escesses see Wauchope to Ormsby-Gore,
16.Noveniber, 1936. Enclosure,‘The, Quleh Calamity’, CO 733/287.
+57. 14 December 1936, CO 733/287.
58. Darwaza, op.cit., pp.152-3.
59. Peel Commission Report, op.cit., p.112.
60. Ibid., p.120.
61, Ibid.
62. Cabinet. Palestine Situation, 1 January 1937, CO 733/297.
63. Rice to Moody, October 1936, CO 733/311.
64. 17 October 1936, CO 733/317.
65. Ibid.
66. ‘Note of talk with Dr Brodetsky, 6th January 1937’, by Parkinson, CO 733/328.
67. Kauchope to Ormsby-Gore, 13 February 1937, Enclosure, CO:733/311.
68. Wauchope to Ormsby-Gore, 8 April 1937, CO 733/311.
69. Ibid., p.2.
70. Ibid., p.4.
71. Same to same, 15 May 1937, CO 733/332;
72. Same to same, 20 May 1937, CO 733/332.
73. MacKereth to Wauchope, 5 July 1937, CO 733/326.
74. Ibid,
75. See Cabinet, Palestine Royal Commission Report, 19 July 1937, CO:733/332.
76.CHQ Palestine and Trans-Jordan to War Office, 5 July 1937, CO 733/332.
77. For Partition Plan, see Peel Comtmission Report, op.cit., pp. 380 96.
78. Note by W.0.G. (Ormsby-Gore) dated 19 July 1937, CO 733/328.
79. See 23 August 1937, CO 733/53.
80. On 21 December 1937, Wauchope wrote Parkinson that ‘Dislike of Partition
as the dread of Zionism needs no working up by anybody among the Arabs.
It is universal’. CO 733/332.
81. 13 September 1937, CO 733/333.
82. ‘Extracts from the Monthly Administrative Report for July 1937 Galilee
District’, CO 733/333.
83. Wauchope to Parkinson, 19 July 1937, CO 733/332.
84. No minister of state from any country attended. Of the 411 delegates there were
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Palestine: A Modern History
Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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