Palestine: A Modern History (ص 108)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 108)
226 The Great Palestine Revolt: 1936-1939
160 Syrians, 128 Palestinians, 65 Lebanese, 39 Trans-Jordanians, 12 Iraqis, 6
Egyptians and 1 Sa‘udi Arabian.
. See Darwaza, op.cit., pp.183+85. Eden, 17 September 1937, CO 733/353.
11 September 1937, CO 733/353. %*
MacKereth to Eden, 14 September 1937, CO 733/353.
. Ibid.
. Ina memorandum to the Cabinet Eden stated that since the Report was
published the situation had changeds’The British were ‘faced with solid and
growing opposition from the majority of the native inhabitants of Palestine,
and, what is much more serious, from the whole Arab world’. See Cabinet,
Palestine, 19 November 1937:CO 733/354.«
. See Battershill"(OAG) to Ormsby-Gore, 14 October 1937, CO 733/332.
. Same to same, 23 October 1937, CO 733/332.
. Same to same, 5 November 1937; CO 733/332.
. Same to same, 21 November 1937, CO 733/354.
. Cabinet. 46 (37), 9 December 1937, CO 733/354.
. 18 December 1937,'CO 733/328.
. Wauchope to Ormsby-Gore, 23 November 1937, CO 733/332.
. Cabinet; Palestine, 1 December 1937, CO 733/354.
. There were accusations to the effect that the Rebellion was largely financed by
Italian funds, but according to 4°Departmental memorandum prepared by the
CO entitied “Italy and Palestine’. ‘There has been little or no direct evidence of
subsidies to promote disaffection in Palestine’.(ebruary 1938 CO 733/374.) As
a result of the Anglo-Italian Conversation during Marchand April 1938, the
Italian Government undertook to abstain from creating difficulties for HMG in
Palestine. See Shuckburgh to MacMichael, 7 April 1938, CO 733/374.
100. MacKereth to Eden, 21 January 1938, Enclosure, CO 733/368.
101. Ibid. ‘
102. H.Cr. to Colonial Secretary, 25 May 1938, CO 733/367.
103. Haining to War Secretary, ‘Report on the Operations Carried out by the
British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan from 1st April to 18th May 1938’,
4 July 1938, CO 733/379.
104. The prospect of Partition did not ameliorate the situation, see same to same
24 August 1938, CO 733/379.
105. 27 May 1938, CO 733/370. A similar suggestion was submitted by ‘Abdul
Latif Salah. See 26 September 1938, CO 733/372.
106. See H.Cr. to Colonial Secretary, 7 July 1938, CO 733/367.
107. The interference of the Royal Navy prevented a probable outbreak in Haifa.
108. Haining to War Secretary, dp.cit.;p.6.
109. H.Cr. to Colonial Secretary, 17 July 1938, op.cit.
110. Haining to.War Secrétary, op.cit:, p.8.
111. See éopy of a manifesfo by Sa‘ud ed-Din el-Bashir, Enclosure to a letter to
Downie, 20 September 1938, CO 733/372.
112. Following the agsassination of a British Government official W.S.S. Moffatt,
96 dwellings and 6 walls were demolished in Jenin. See MacMichael to
MacDonald, 21 January 1939, CO 733/398.
113. Haining to. War Secretary, ‘Report on the Operations carried out by the
British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan Ist August to 31st October 1938’,
30 November 1938, CO 733/379, p.2.
114. Ibid., p.3. Also See H.Cr. to Colonial Secretary,'26 August 1938, CO 733/367.
115. Also called Technical Commission and Woodhead Commission.
116, See Colonial Secretary to H.Cr., 1 September 1938, CO 733/386.
117. H.Cr. to Colonial Secretary, 2 September 1938, CO 733/367.
The Great Palestine Revolt: 1936-1939 277
118. Same to same, 24 September, 1938, CO 733/372.
119, 22 September 1938, CO 733/367. Two days later MacMichael reported that
there were about 6,500 Jews already paid and armed by the Government.
120. Colonial Secretary to H.Cr., 24 September 1938, op.cit.
121. Ibid. American pressure on the British Government brought forth a wave of
anti-Americanism among the Arabs of Palestine, and Falastin urged the
boycott of American Churches, Missions, schools and other institutions.
122. H.Cr. to Colonial Secretary, 25 September 1938. CO 733/367.
123. A phrase used by C.L. Mowat, Britain Between the Wars 1918-1940,
London, 1968 (first pubjished 1955), p.624.
124. Palestine Partition Commission Report, Cmd. 5854, October 1938.
125. See H.Gr.? to’Colonial Secretary, 2 November 1938, CO 733/386. ¢
126. MacMichael to MacDonald, 29 December: 1938, CO 733/398.
127. Peterson (Baghdad) to FO, 31 Octobes 1938, CO 733/386. Also see Bullard
(Jedda) to FO, 30 October 1938, CO 733/386.
128. 10 November 1938, CO 733/386.
129. MacMichael to MacDonald, 19 November 1938, Enclosure ICO 733/386.
130. CO 733/386. m
131. MacMichael to MacDonald, 27 February 1939, CO 733/398, p.5.
132. Ibid., pp.6-7. ‘
133. For British confidential reports of the trodps excesses see George Francis
(Bishop of Jerusalem) to Ormsby-Gore, 6 April 1938, CO 733/370. Also see LL
a report by Inspector-General of the Palestine,Police Force, 3 May 1938.
CO 733/370. Also see Memoranda by the Arab Women’s Committee of
Jerusalem, MacMichael to MacDonald, 31 January 1939, CO 733/406.
134. See copy of photographic report of demolitions etc. ‘Palestine the Martyr’,
same to same, 27 December 1938, Enclosure, CO 733/412.
135. MacMichael to MacDonald, 24 March 1939, CO 733/398, p.5.
136. Ibid.
137, Ibid., p.2.
138. Ibid., p.4.
139. Ibid., p.8. .
140. Weizmann viewed the White paper as an act of betrayal and as a ‘death-
sentence’, See Wejzmann, op.cit., pp.499-503 seriatim.
141. See MacMichael to MacDonald, 31 May 1939, Enclosure, CO 733/400.
142. See Wing Commander S.P. Ritchie’s ‘Appreciation of the Situation in Palestine’,
31 May1939, CO 733/406, p.1.
143, 30 May 1939, CO 733/408.
144. Ritchie, op.cit., '
145. H.Cr. to Colosial Secretary, 2 June 1939, CO 733/398.
146. MacMichael to,MacDonald, 1 September 1939, CO 733/398. pp.9s10.
147, He was detained, by the French but later escaped to Iraq where he received
a warm welcome. *
148, Darwaza dccused some of the ‘Arab rulers of reneging on their promises to
supply the Rebellion with arms and ammunition, p.248.
149. H.Cr. to Colonial Secretary, 23 October 1939, CO 733/398.
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Palestine: A Modern History
Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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