Palestine: A Modern History (ص 111)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 111)
A, Unpublished Materials
(i) Cabinet Papers. Discussion, reports and memoranda relating to
Palestine during the period under study is scattéred throughout the
records of the British Cabinet between 1915 and 1939. The most
impoftant among the papers relating to Palestine are to be found’ under
CAB 23/..., 24/..., 25/...,27/...,37/..., and 43/. . ., Public Record
Office (PRO), London.
(ii) Colonial Office Archives. Correspondence between the Palestine
Administration, Jerusalem and the Coldnial Office, London between
1921 and 1939, classified under Palestine CO 733/1-415.
(iii) Foreign Office Archives:
1. Correspondence between the British Consul, ‘Jerusalem and the
Foreign Office, London, from 1839-1914, classified under
Turkey F.O. 78/...
. Correspondence between military authorities in Paléstine (and
Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Cairo) and the Foreign Office,
London: between 1917 and 1920, classified under Turkey,
3. Ardb Bureau Papers. Covers British dctivities, treaties, etc. in the
Middle East during World War I, classified under F.O. 882/...
(iv) Hagana Archives. Microfilms covering Zionist Intelligence reports
between 1919 and 1921, which were made available to me in London.
(v) National Archives, Washington. Charles R. Crane and Henry C.
King, Report of the American Section of the Inter-Allied Commission
of Mandates in Turkey, Section One, Report upon Syria, Paris, 28
August 1919, Department of State 181.9102/9. 7
(vi) Zionist Archives, Jerusalem. Microfilms covering certain
docuinents of the Executive of the Zionist Ofgahisation iri Palestine
between 1917 and 1923, classified under Z 4/..., Central Zionist
Archives (C.Z.A.), Jerusalem.
(vii) Private Papers:
1. Balfour Papers, at the Public Record Office, London, F.O.
2. Clayton Papers, at the University of Durham, School of Oriental
. Lloyd George Papers, Beaverbrook Library, London.
. King Papers, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin Ohio, U.S.A.
Bibliography 233
5. Samuel Papers, at the Middle East Centre, St Antony’s College,
Oxford. . *
6, Sykes Papers, at the Public Record Office, F.O. 800/221.
7. Yale Papers, at the Middle East Centre, ‘St Antony’s College,
(viii) Unpublished Works:
1. Ruhi al-Khalidi, a/-Mas‘ala al:Sahyuniyya (The Zionist Question),
1911, in the custody of Professor Walid Khalidi.
2. Neville ‘Mandel, Turks, Arabs and Jewish Immigration into
Palestine, 1882-1914. (unpublished D.Phil. Dissertion, St
Antony’s College, Oxford), 1965. .
B. Reports and Command Papers
(i) Report of the Court of Inquiry convened by order-of H.E. The
High Commissioner and Commander-In-Chief. Dated the 12th Day of
April 1920, 1 July 1920, F.0.371/5121. The Palin Commission Report.
(ii) Palestine. Disturbances in May, 1921. Report of the Commission
of Inquiry with Correspondence relating thereto. Cmd. 1540, 1921.
The Haycraft Report.
(iii) Correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the
Zionist Organisation. Cmd. 1700, 1922. The Churchill White Paper.
(iv) Mandate for Palestine. Letter from the Secretary of the Cabinet
to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations Regarding the
Mandate of Palestine and the Holy Places commission. Cmd. 1708,
(v) League of Nations. Mandate for Palestine, Together with a Note
by the Secretary-General Relating to Its Application to the Territories
Known as Trans-Jordan. .Cmd. 1785, 1922.
(vi) Report of the Commission on the Palestine Disturbances of
August, 1929, Cmd. 3530, 1930. The Shaw Commission Report.
(vii) Palestine, Statement of Policy with Regard to British Policy,
Cmd. 3582, 1930. The White Paper on the Shaw Commission Report.
(viii) Palestine. Report on Imtimigration, Land Settlement and
Development, by Sir John Hope Sinipson. Cmd. 3686, 1930.
(ix) Palestine. Statement of Policy by His Majesty’s Government
in the United Kingdom. Cmd. 3692, 1930. The Passfield White Paper.
(x) Palestine Royal Commission Report. Cmd. 5479, 1937. The
Peel Commission Report.
(xi) Policy in Palestine. Despatch Dated 23rd December, 1937,
from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the High Commissionet
for Palestine, Cmd. 5634, 1938. The terms of reference‘of the Partition
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Palestine: A Modern History
Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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