Palestine: A Modern History (ص 112)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 112)
234 Bibliography
(xii) Palestine Partition Commission Report. Cmd. $854, 1938. The
Woodhead Report. |
(xiii) Correspondence, between ,Sir ‘Henry MeMahon and the Sherif
Hussein of Mecca, July 1915-March 1916, Cmd. 5957, (Miscellaneous
No.3), 1939.
(xiv) Statements ‘Made on Behalf of His Majesty’s Government
during the Year 1 918 in ‘Regard to.the Future Status of Certain Parts of
the Ottoman Empire. Cmd. 5964, (Miscellaneous No.4), 1939.
(xv) Report.of a Committee Set Up to Consider Certain Correspond-
ence between Sir Henry McMahon and the Sherif of Mecca in 1915 and
1916, Cmd. 5974, 1939.
(xvi) Palestine Statement of Policy. md. 6019, 1939. The White
Paper of May, 1939.
C. Published Documents
(i) Arabic
Watha‘iq al. \Mugawam al-Falastiniyya ali‘Arabiyya dida_ al-fhtilal
al-Baritani wa al-Sahyuniyya (Docuinertts of the Palestinian Arab
Resistance against British- Occupation and Zionism). ed. Kayyali,
Abdul-Wahhab. Beirut, 1968. Referred to as Documents.
(ii) Others
1. Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States.
The Paris' Peace Conference 1919, Departmént ‘of State, Washing-
ton, US Government Printihg Office, 1947.
2. Documents on British‘ Foreign Policy. 1919-1939. vol. iv. eds. °
Woodwatd, E.L. and Butler, 'R. First Series. London, HMSO.
D. Initerviews *
Gi), Hajj Amin al-Husseini, Beirut, Summer, 1966
Gi) Emile Ghory; Beirut, August, 1967
sem wt
E. Néwspaptrs and Periodicals
+ é
(i) Arabic
Al-‘Arab, Jerusalem
Al-Ahram, Cairo,
Al-Ashma ii, Jerusalem
Al-Hilal, Cairo
ALIqdam, Cairo
Al-Jami‘a al-‘Arabiyya, Jerusalem
Al-Karmal, Haifa
Al-Kawkab, Gairo.
Al-Manar, Cairo
Al-Mufid, Beirut
Al-Munadi, Jerusalem
Al-Muqtabas, Damascus
Al-Mustaqbal, Paris
AL-Rai‘ al-‘Am, Beirut
Al-Shura, Cairo
Al-Urdyn, Damascus
Al-Yarmuk, Haifa
Falastin, Jaffa
Fata al-'Arab, Damascus
Mir‘at al-Sharg, Jerusalem
Muthagq al-Hayat, Beirut
Suriyya al-Janubiyya, Jerusalem...
Suriyya al-Jadida, Damascus
(ii! Others
The Illustrated Sunday Herald, ondon
Le Jeune Turc, Constantinople, A
The Jewish Chronicle; London = «:
The New Palestine, ‘New York
The Palestine News, Cairo
The Times, London
F. Books atidArticles
(i) Arabic to.
A‘mal, al-Wafd-:al-Suri al-Falastini (The Activities of the Syrian-
Palestinian Delegation). Cairo, 1923
‘Allush, Naji APMuqawama al-‘Afabiyya fi Falastin, 1917-1948 (The
Arab’ Resistance in Palestine) Beirut, 1967 ;
—— Al-Mu‘tamar al-‘Arabi al-Awwal (The First Arab « Congress).
Published by the Supreme'Committee of the Decentralization
Party:in Egypt Cairo, 1913
Darwaza, ‘‘Izaat:Al-Wadiyya al.Falastiniyya (The Palestirie Question),
Saida, 1959
Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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