Palestine: A Modern History (ص 114)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 114)
238 Bibliography
Ra‘Anan, Frishwasser The Frontiers of a Nation, London, 1955
Rabinowicz, Oscar K. Fifty Years of Zionism: A Historical Analysis of
Dr. Weizmann’s ‘Trial and Error’, London, 1950
——- Winston Churchill on Jewish Problems: A Half Century Survey,
London, 1956
Royal Institute of International Affairs Great Britain and Palestine,
1915-1945, London, 1946
Political and Strategic Interests of the United Kingdom: An
Outline, London, 1940
Survey of International Affairs. Edited by Arnoid Toynbee, 1925
(vol.i), 1930, 1934, 1936, 1937 and 1938 (voli)
Ruppin, Arthur, The Jewish Fate and Future, London, 1940
Three Decades of Palestine; Speeches and Papers on the Upbuild-
ing of the Jewish National Home, Jerusalem, 1936
Samuel, Viscount Herbert Memoirs, London, 1945
Sereni, Enzo and Ashery, R.E. (eds.) Jews and Arabs in Palestine:
Studies in a National and colonial Problem, New York, 1936
Sidebotham, Herbert British Interests in Palestine, London, 1934
England and Palestine: Essays Towards the Restoration of
the Jewish State, London, 1918.
Simon, H.J. British Rule and Rebellion, Edinburgh, 1937
Sokolow, Nahum History of Zionism: 1600-1918, 2 vols. London,
Stein, Leonard The Balfour Declaration, London, 1961
Storrs, Ronald Orientations, London, 1937
Sykes, Christopher Crossroads to Israel, Cleveland, 1965
Two Studies in Virtue, London, 1953
Wavell, Colonel AP. The Palestine Campaigns, London, 1928
Weizmann, Chaim Trial and Error: An Autobiography of Chaim
Weizmann, London, 1949
Yale, William The Near East; A Modern History, Ann Arbor, 1958
Young, Major Sir Hubert The Independent Arab, London, 1933
Zeine, Zeine N. Arab-Turkish Relations and the Emergency of Arab
Nationalism, Beirut, 1958.
‘Abdullah, Prince 91, 198, 201, 202,
206, 207
‘Abdul Latif Salah 178, 191
‘Abdul Rahim 223
‘Abdul-Qader Husseini 180, 211
Abu-al-Hol 17
Acre 11
Advisory Council 87, 88, 118
Agricultural Loans Scheme 73
al'Ahd 39, 166
Ahmad al-‘Aref 38
al-Ahram 221
‘Ajaj Nweihed 183
Akram Zu’ayter 182, 183
Allenby, General 45, 46, 67, 84
Alliance Israélite Universelle 14
American Jewish Committee 151
Amery, L.S. 56, 135
Amin al-Hussein 54, 79, 94-5, 110,
115, 130, 132, 136, 140, 141,
145, 165, 175-6
Anglo-Arab Treaty 119, 131
Anglo-Palestine Bank 38
Anglo-Palestine Company 25
Antebi, Albert 18, 25, 263 32
Anti-Zionist Society 32
Antonius, George 14
Aqsa Mosque University 166
Arab Bank 176
Arab Bureau 43, 45
Arab Congress (Paris) 30-3
Arab Decentralisation Party 31
Arab Economic Agricultural
Conference 116, 119
Arab Executive Committees: of 3rd
Congress 88, 89, 91,93; of 4th
Congress 111, 112; of Sth
Congress 115-19 passim; of 6th
Congress 130, 133, 135; of 7th
Congress 137, 141, 149, 160, 162,
171; see also Palestinian Arab
Arab Higher Committee 191, 194,
196, 198, 201, 202, 203, 206,
207, 210, 218, 222
Arab Independence Party see
Istiqlalist Party
Arabic language 49
Arab National Bureau 212
Arab ‘national charter’ 166
Arab National Committees 189, 190,
192, 197, 208, 210
Arab National Conference 167
Arab National Fund 176
Arab Nationalism 30-41 passim,
155: and anti-British feeling
1930-5, 164-84 passim; and
British Mandate 1920-3, 84-124
passim, and British policy in
Palestine 1917-20, 43-79
Arab National Movement 88, 116
Arabs in Palestine: agitation against
the British 1930-5, 155-83
passim; and British Mandate
84-124 passim; and British policy,
1917-20 43-79 passim ; early
opposition to Zionism 16-41
passim, relations with British and
Jews, 1923-9 130-51; revoit
against British, 1936-9 187-223
see also fellaheen, notables
Arab Women’s Congress 168
Arab Youth 145
Arab Youth Conference 177
“Aref al-‘Aref 79
‘Aref Nuralla 183
Aref Pasha Dahudi Dajani 61, 131
Al-Asmait 22,24
Attlee, Clement 200
‘Awni ‘Abdul Hadi 157, 168-9, 191,
194, 199, 200, 201
al-Azhar Society 34
Balfour, Lord 44, 47, 48, 134-5:
see also next entry
Balfour Declaration 40, 45-6, 49, 51,
56-7, 78, 84: et passim
Basle Programme 19
Beersheba 11
Beirut 11,15
Beisan 29, 30, 32, 91, 107, 133
Ben Gurion, David 19, 175, 199
Bentwich, Norman 146
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Palestine: A Modern History
Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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