From the Pages of the Defter (ص 175)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 175)
Khalil.7?° The (family’s) residence was registered to his brother Ibrahim b. Khalil.7°* Ibrahim also
registered in his name 15 olive trees, two plots of fig trees, each of them containing four trees;
and three plots of field-crop land, 22.5 dunams, 8 dunams, and 2 dunams, respectively. Their
assessed value totaled 10,300 kurus, and the residence was assessed at a value of 2,000
kurus.”- Their other brother, Muhammad b. Khalil registered the vineyard property, three
dunams in size, and two plots of field-crop land, one of them 48 dunams in size, and the other 6
226 Between the three of
dunams. The assessed value of these properties was 13,050 kurus.
them they owned a property or properties in every category of Yatta’s agricultural products.
Dura, the most populous village in the Hebron district, was divided socio-geographically into
two parts. Of the town’s structures, 171 were registered to the Nammoura section of town, and
159 to the section called Awlad ‘Isa, ‘Isa being the father of the infamous, powerful and then-
recently deceased Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahman ‘Amr. Arriving from Hebron, one would travel
through the Nammoura half of town to reach the Awlad ‘Isa section.
In the vicinity of the village, villagers registered gardens (hakura) and small plots of tarla.
Beyond that, there were individually owned vineyards, gardens (bagces), and small and large
293 Esas-! Emlak, Yatta musha entries # 9.
294 Ibid., residential entries #22. Their hane was valued at 2,000 kurus.
29 Ibid., tree entries # 85, 236, 250; non-musha tarla entries # 80, 82, 83.
296 Ibid., vineyard entries # 96 ; non-musha tarla entries # 108, 109.
297 Feas-1 Emlak entries # 7925-9839.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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