The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 42)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 42)
and by virtue of relations to its apparatuses' new bourgeois, class frac-
tions were emerging, yet fettered by the fact that Israel could no longer
provide for capital accumulation and reproduction of the newly dominant
relations of production within the constraints of her existing material
base, The fetter had to burst out, Israel had to integrate and subordi-
nate less developed forms of production, pre-capitalist economic forma-
tions. The Six Day War represented the unfettering of the fetter: it
gave a progressive outlet to an absolutely ripened contradiction. This
outlet was progressive in the sense of transforming the relations of
production, promising further development of the productive forces and
hence, the emergence of a new epoch. The 1967 war was thus the expres-
sion of interaction between the relations and the forces of production
in the transition into a new historical phase. The emerging phase was
new in terms of the change in the relation of production and the quanti-
tative change in the degree of development of the productive forces it
embodied. The higher degree of development of the productive forces
which were at the disposal of Israel's ruling classes in the aftermath
of only a six-day war was in territorial expansion (embracing commodity
and capital market as well as a reservoir of cheap labor); accumulation
of high level technological know-how, specifically in military~-related
research and development; massive inflow of investment capital accompanied
by massive inflow of scientifically-trained Jewish immigrants. It is
the very requirements for further development of these productive for-
ces under the transformed relations of production that can explain the
proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel. It is not accidental,
therefore, that the proletarianization of Palestinians historically
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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