The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 301)
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- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 301)
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in that each year large numbers of officers--majors, colonels, and gener-
als--are ejected into the civilian market. Although these points are
accurate and, in part, explain the higher rates of participation in the
labor force among Jews than among Arabs of the 34+ age population, a com-
plementary and rather stronger explanation of this increasing insepara-
bility of the civilian/non-civilian productive forces is to be found in
the irreversible shift into high technology production, which seriously
affects the type of labor to be in demand, and likely to constantly gener-
ate new demands for more and more skilled labor with technical sophistica-
tion, usually found concentrated in the military. Put differently, we
argue that military production is becoming, itself, the leading export
sector in the civilian economy and is behind the increasing oneness of the
civilian/non-civilian labor force. This is not only speaking of the link-
ages military production generates and promotes in the economy, but also
and more importantly, of deeper structural transformations, specifically,
the merger into a single division of labor. Later on, we will also see
how the militarization of civilian economy integrates the Israeli labor
force more directly into the international division of labor, with an in-
creasingly privileged labor aristocracy on the one hand, and an increasing-
ly exploited segment of the labor force, on the other.
A point directly related to the segmentation of the working class
is central to a following chapter.
A concrete micro-scale example of the integration of military and
civilian production is in Clal Industries, Ltd., the largest private sup-
plier to the Israel Defense Forces. Clal Industries, Ltd. is very much
in aerospace, producing and exporting sophisticated, custom-built equip- - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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