The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 314)
- عنوان
- The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 314)
- المحتوى
The real question that emerges in light of this information is not
with respect to the effectiveness of those measures in mobilizing skilled
Israelis. back home; a far more serious question is, rather, the disincentive
effect those measures are likely to inflict on the immigration of non-Is-
raeli Jews, promoting reluctance among potential newcomers to come.
The Israeli Development Economist, Michael Bruno, views the problem
of labor shortage in Israel as rather one of maldistribution, not absolute
shortage.>> Maldistribution, probably in terms of the tendency of the
economically active labor force to concentrate in unproductive labor cate-
gories -- categories that do not involve creation of surplus, hence enlarge-
ment of the surplus product. In this sense, maldistribution is most evi-
dent in the mushrooming of the service sector among all economic branches,
absorbing the largest portion of the civilian labor force. It may also ap-
ply to the mushrooming size of the police army, the latter totalling, in
1976, 75,000 soldiers in the Regular Army, which includes those serving on
a permanent basis and those on a compulsory temporary basis, in addition
to 307,000 in the Reserves.7° The military force thus constitutes 30 per-
cent of the total civilian labor force. Further, the size of the army
seems equivalent to the size of the non-citizen Palestinian labor force
imported from occupied territories. Does this suggest a replacement as
opposed to a joining trend in the technical and/or social division of
labor? This question is to be explored in Chapter V.
The training of an Israeli labor force and/or the making available of
an already trained labor force neither economically nor politically pre-
sent a viable alternative for Aliyah (Jewish immigration). Neither does
the use of skilled migratory labor from advanced European economies, as
315 - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Najwa Hanna Makhoul
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