The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 372)


The Proletarianization of Palestinians in Israel (ص 372)
phase, the demand for this labor category was always higher for the veter-
an/Sabra labor force, who were more familiar with official Hebrew Language
and institutions of the State. In 1968, however, the representation of
both "Western" population groups equalizes, then the Western immigrant
representation exceeds that of the indigenous Israeli Jews. In this labor
category the demand for Oriental-Jews continues to be much lower than it
is for the rest of the Jews and much higher than the demand for Arabs,
and it continues to be "of special significance that it is so."
We have already pointed out the underlying rationale behind the poor
representation of Arabs in the administration and management of the Jewish
State, compared even with Oriental-Jews. What is more important, however,
is to indicate the significance of this point in the determination of
class location, specifically in terms of the political subordination/
domination criterion, addressed in the following section. The ex-
ceeding demand for Western Jewish immigrants over the Sabra labor force
in this occupational category can be interpreted most accurately in light
of a shift in the need for managerial skills from the State apparatus into
production itself. The management of industrial relations in the pursuit
of higher productivity and optimization (necessitated by concentration/
centralization tendency, and consistent with the predominance of the eco-
nomic over the political instance following the war, discussed previously)
not only became a higher priority, but also required modern managerial
skills likely to be more acquired by Europe-America immigrants.
Another prominent feature in the Israeli occupational structure of
employment is the fact that among all segments of Israel's labor force,
Najwa Hanna Makhoul


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