Palestine: A Modern History (ص 9)


Palestine: A Modern History (ص 9)
20 Setting’ for a Conflict: 1881-1908 an an
This rigid and doctrinaise attitude vis-a-vis the ‘natives’ left no ropm
for, congiljation..The Arab tenant farmers were, not merely dispossessed,
they were prevented from being, employed-as hired hands..The reaction
was one of widespread resentment, and:py, 1907, ‘anti-Jewish feeling
had, intensified among the most influential segments of the Arab
population and was latent among fellaheen who, had contact with-the
Jewish settlers’.*? “
Notes ‘
1. Vital Guinet, Syrie, Lqban et Palestine, Géographie Administrative, Statistique,
Descriptive et Raisonnée, Paris, 1896, p.520. ‘
2. Ibid., pp-93, 180 and 520. * .
3. Arthur Ruppin, The Jewish Fate and Future, Londdn, 1940, p.54.
4. A practice which granted nonsMuslim subjects a limited autonomy under the
chief ecclesiastical leaders of the various religious sects. rm
_ James Finn to Viscount Palmerston, 7 November: 1851, FO 78/874, no.20.
. Albert Hourani, Ottoman Reform and the Politics of Notables, unpublished
manuscript, pp.6-7. (Subsequently published in Beginnings of.Modernisation
in the Middle East: The Nineteenth Century, edited, by, William R. Polk and
Richard L. Chambers, Chicago, 1968, pp.41-68.)
“Yoid., pp.30-31. ‘ ‘
. Ibid., p.35.
9. Albert Hyamson, The British Consulate in Jerusalem_in Relation torthe,Jews of,
Palestine, 1838/1914, London, 1939-1941, part J, p.xxaiv. .
10. Viscount Palmerston to Viscouht'Ponsonby, 11 August 1840, FO 78/390,
11 »Arthur Hertzberg (ed.), The Zionist Idea: A Histoticg! Analysis and Reader,
New York, 1959, p.29. an
12. Nahum Sokolow, History of Zionitm: 1600-1918, #’vOls., London, 1919, Ul,
p.256. . t ¥ '
13. George Antonius, The Arab Awakening, Beirut, p.d., first published 1938,
p.54. Also see Albert Hourani, Argbic Thought in the Liberal Age 1798-1939,
London, 1962; Zeine N. Zeine, Ardb-Turkish ‘Relations and the-Eimergence of
Arab Nationalism, Beirut, 1958: and William Yale, The Near East, Ann Arbor,
1958. :
14.'13 December 1875, FO 226/183.
15.28 June 1880, FO'195/1306.
. Antonius, op.cit., pp-83-4.
_ 1882, FO 226/204, No:37. |
_ 14 March 1884, FO 195/1477.
"25 May 1839, FO 78/368, NG:t3/
“LL August 1853, FO 78/962,No.26. 4
. Mandel Neville, Turks, Argbs and «Jewish Immigration into Palestine, 1882-
loin unpublished D.Phil. dissertation, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 1965,
p.32. ‘
22: Ibid., p.37.
23. Ibid., p.36. ‘
24. Ibid., p.40.
25.15 March 1887. FO’195/1581, No.9.
26 Mandel, op.cit., p.44.
27. Ibid., p.56.
ae 4 u
Setting for a Conflict: 1881-1908
28. Ibid., p.57.
29. Ibid., p.155.
30. Ibid., pp.102-3.
31. Quoted, ibid.. p.132.
32. Ibid., p.133.
33, AL-Manar, Vol.IV, 1902, pp.801-9.
34. Mandel, op.cit., pp.145-6.
35. It*is commonly referred to as The Basle Pro u i ioni
3 gramme becaitse th
36 Congress met at Basle, Switzerland. © First Zionist
. For Herzl’s ideas and activities see Theodor HerzJ, The Compl lari
; y , Diaries of
Theodor Herzl, 5 vols., edited by Raph i ‘ by Harry
Newnterk 1960 y Raphael Patai, translated by Harry Zohn,
37. For further details of-the Zionist organisational i
1 op.263-131 pastin. g al structure see Sokolow, op.cit.,
. . ” al x .
38. Ben Gurion soon became the pillar of the Jewish Community in Palestine and
was the most-outstanding Zionist4eader from the thitties dnwards, In"1948 he
39 was declared the first Prime Minister of Israel.
. Dayid Ben-Gurion, Israel: Years of Chall
aod f Challenge, London, 1964, p.7.
41. Moshe Pi i ‘and ' ‘Ben*™ 5
wee e . earlman (ea. and trang), ‘Ben’ Gurion Looks Back, London, 1965,
42. Mandel, op,cit.,-p.148.
Abdul-Wahhab Kayyali
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